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7 Things You Should Definitely Know Before Travelling To Malaysia

Malaysia is Southeast Asia’s unheralded tropical hero, steamy, multi-cultural, and vastly underappreciated. It’s a country that combines culture, nature, and modernity with space-age skylines, Islamic minarets, and ornate Chinese shrines. The vibrant culture of Malaysia is truly something to admire. If you don’t already know, it is attributed that Indians were a major part of the early inhabitants of this island country and shaped it into what it is today.

Malaysia is a country with a considerable range. While you gawk at the extravagant skyscrapers, there are a lot of things that you might not know about the country, which can land you in serious trouble. As an Islamic country, you need to be familiar with some of the governmental and cultural rules to ensure you can enjoy your perfect Malaysian vacation. So, to help you, here are seven things you should know before travelling to Malaysia.

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1.      Pack for an endless summer — but bring a light jacket

The year-round temperature in tropical Malaysia is roughly 30°C. So, all you’ll need to bring are light, loose-fitting cotton garments that will keep you cool in the heat and humidity. However, due to Malaysians’ tendency to keep their ACs at freezing temperatures, pack a sweatshirt or light jacket.

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2.    Technology is generally accessible

Kuala Lumpur has to be one of the most futuristic cities in the world, with ever-expanding motorways, buildings, and skyscrapers vying for space. Beyond the capital, most hotels and serviced apartments provide great 4G mobile phone network connectivity and fast wifi.

3.    …but keep cash on hand in the interior

ATMs (cash machines) are commonly available, but they are sparse in the countryside and are frequently difficult to find from outside Borneo’s major towns. If you plan to go off-grid for your tour, be sure to stock up on Malaysian ringgit.

4.    It’s a little more expensive to go out and party:

Malaysia is a costlier party destination than its tourist Southeast Asian neighbours Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam because of high alcohol tariffs, which are prohibited to Muslims. The remainder of the population is permitted to drink but must pay a higher price.

5.     In case of an emergency, dial 999

The police, fire department, ministry of health, marine enforcement agency, and Unit of Civil defence are all connected by a singular three-digit number, 999 if you’re dialing from a mobile phone, dial 112.

6.    Bring the water to a boil

Because of rising water contamination and aging buildings with rusty pipes, it’s always recommended to boil tap water before consuming it or to buy mineral water. When embarking on multi-day walks, carrying a water filter device or filtering tablets can be useful.

7.     Drug violations can lead to the death penalty

In Malaysia, 200g of marijuana, 15g of heroin or opium, and 40g of brown sugar are punishable by death. Even for possessing much less, offenders are severely beaten or imprisoned.

Travelling to Malaysia for work or a trip might be an amazing decision, but you need to remember a lot of things to have a smooth stay there, especially for people who travel to Malaysia. So make sure you follow the important pointers mentioned in this article next time you visit Malaysia.

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